(Formerly, TI Financial Holdings Limited)
(Formerly, TI Financial Holdings Limited)
Compliance Report on Corporate Governance for the quarter ended 30th September, 2015
Particulars | Clause of Listing Agreement |
Compliance Status |
II. Board of Directors | 49 (II) | |
(A) Composition of Board | 49 (IIA) | Yes |
(B) Independent Directors | 49 (IIB) | Yes |
(C) Non-executive Directors’ compensation & disclosures | 49 (IIC) | Yes |
(D) Other provisions as to Board and Committees | 49 (IID) | Yes |
(E) Code of Conduct | 49 (IIE) | Yes |
(F) Whistle Blower Policy | 49 (IIF) | Yes |
III. Audit Committee | 49 (III) | |
(A) Qualified & Independent Audit Committee | 49 (IIIA) | Yes |
(B) Meeting of Audit Committee | 49 (IIIB) | Yes |
(C) Powers of Audit Committee | 49 (IIIC) | Yes |
(D) Role of Audit Committee | 49 (IIID) | Yes |
(E) Review of Information by Audit Committee | 49 (IIIE) | Yes |
IV. Nomination for Remuneration Committee | 49 (IV) | Yes |
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V. Subsidiary Companies | 49 (V) | Yes |
VI. Risk Management | 49 (VI) | Yes |
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VII. Related Party Transactions | 49 (VII) | Yes |
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VIII. Disclosures | 49 (VIII) | |
(A) Related party transactions | 49 (VIII A) | Yes |
(B) Disclosure of Accounting Treatment | 49 (VIII B) | Yes |
(C) Remuneration of Directors | 49 (VIII C) | Yes |
(D) Management | 49 (VIII D) | Yes |
(E) Shareholders | 49 (VIII E) | Yes |
(F) Proceeds from public issues, rights issues, preferential issues etc | 49 (VIII F) | N.A. |
IX. CEO/CFO Certification | 49 (IX) | Yes |
X. Report on Corporate Governance | 49 (X) | Yes |
XI. Compliance | 49 (XI) | Yes |